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Masjid Uthman

Divine Origins of The Qur'an

The Qur’an is the divine revelation from Allah (SWT), sent as a guide for all of humanity. It was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) over a period of 23 years through Angel Jibreel (Gabriel, AS), providing guidance, wisdom, and laws for both personal and communal life. Unlike any other religious scripture, the Qur’an remains unaltered since its revelation, preserved in its original Arabic language, with millions memorizing it word-for-word, ensuring its purity and authenticity.

For believers, the Qur’an is not merely a book to be read but a manual to be lived. Its divine origins, miraculous preservation, and timeless wisdom continue to inspire, uplift, and guide millions across the world, proving that it is indeed the final and ultimate revelation from Allah (SWT).